Monday, July 9, 2012

Mates Popcorn

               Today I went to hawali to try the new popcorn I try it when I was in one of my friends party i thought she bring it from dubai the owners of this shop are Mrs/ Najla AlBarak & Mrs/ Hessa AlSanousi so I went there with to try out their flavors here is the information: they do have 9 flavors are:

1- white cheddar cheese.
2- salt & vinegar.
3- BBQ.
4- sour creme & onion.
5- plain Caramel.
6- pecan caramel.
7- peanut caramel.
8- Kajo Caramel.
9- Chocolate popcorn .

Here is the pictures of my visit

 this is their menu

 here i added their instagram account

 hope you try it worth it ^_^

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