Saturday, October 27, 2007


look my friends while am goin to drew some money with my brother while am goin back home my brother said " i've seen a red label box" i didn't belive him he told me turn up side down to belive me.

i turned and i picture 2 pictures for this box so what's wrong with'em:S

there are the pictures>

and this picture i took it when i was in kuwait city this wall is the kuwait national museum?!

is that wierd that all of the national museums in all over the world they take care of thiers but here in kuwait look all the sppitted from the worker and bangaldeesh indian and most of these nationalties take this kind of something and they start to chewing it then they spit it so the color of the wall turned from bige till colors:S

اترك لكم التعليق


Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...


okhooch sh3arefa bel goo6y?

Q80 Blogger said...

سؤال مطقوق حده قوي

بس لا تستغربين وايد بالكويت كلشي صار عادي للأسف
تبين تشوفين وايد جذي
روحي الشاليهات

فتى الجبل said...

والأكثر بكبر

U_SF said...

الله المستعان

يقول لج .. هذه الكويت صل على النبي ^^"

نصيحه : قولي الله لا يبلانه : )

Selezya said...


yaa keerhy 7ag hash`3laat

shnswy b3d !!

Ω Suki Candy Ω said...

kila ma6gog

ballah hatha so2al:S
el kil ydry shno el redlabel mooo??


i know that but in this area between primary and secondary school???

fata el jabal

i know allah yaster


alhaom la tbleena


wow welcome into my blog
same here walla i hate'em all

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