Thursday, April 13, 2006

What's Wrong with the year 2006

hey every one i just wondering what happening in this world in this year?! So many Question Marks.

this year there's something worng such as people daing and sooo many natural disasters happend around the world Wars, Our Amir My Father Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah in the beining of this awful year, one of my best friend died, my Uncle's Wife dies in London while she have her own Chimical Treat Coz she have had a Cancer in her blood, my mother's Sister died today in the 13th , i wonder why do people hate this Number?!

let me be honest with u Reader that iam afraid what will happend to us no body feel comfertable, do we have to ensure our selves that we could live or servival at the end of this year? God knows what will happend?

At Finaly Hope God To Protect us And Kuwait



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