Monday, February 6, 2012

reasons to stay single

reasons to stay single

v  Everything in your house is yours.
v  You don't have to hide gifts, receipts, and other purchase records in ridiculous places.
v  If you buy something "yummy", you don't have to buy twice as much.
v  The only person you have to dress up for is your self.
v  Your late nights are all yours.
v  Less stuff to move when you do move
v  One bedroom apartments feel more spacious with only one person
v  Only the doctor can tell you what to eat
v  You decide what to shave and when
v  Valentines day costs less
v  No anniversaries to remember
v  No extra birthdays to remember
v  No extra family to shop for during the holidays
v  No irritating in-laws to deal with
v  You can walk around naked whenever you want.
v  Only your sense of decency has any say about where you leave your dirty clothes.
v  You don't have to share
v  You don't have to change your life because someone else has jealousy issues.
v  The only insecurities you have to deal with are your own.
v  Getting that out-of-state job doesn't hinge on what someone else wants or thinks.
v  The only people complaining about music volume are the neighbors.
v  You can fall asleep anywhere without getting any guff for it in the morning.
v  You don't have to use the "headache" excuse anymore.
v  You don't have to worry as much about the "oops, I'm pregnant" factor.
v  The only person who goes through your stuff is you.
v  The only person who sees your inbox is you.
v  More time to spend with friends.
v  You don't have to live with someone who can't stand your parents.
v  You can date more freely.
v  The cute secretary is fair game.
v  The whole wedding mess? Yeah, none of that to deal with.
v  You don't have to share your closet with anyone else.
v  You always get to watch what you want.
v  You always get to read what you want.
v  You decide when to crawl into bed.
v  You can throw yourself into bed and snore without dire consequences.
v  No one else's annoying (or disgusting) habits to deal with at home.
v  The only fetishes you have to deal with are your own.
v  You can talk to yourself without people saying "what?" or worrying about your sanity.
v  There are religious benefits, if you're into that kind of thing.
v  The only annoying friends you have to deal with are your own.
v  You don't ever have to wonder if you really love the person you live with.
v  There's only one way to do things- your way.
v  You are the master of the thermostat.
v  The only messes you have to clean up are your own.
v  The only disasters you have to fix are your own.
v  If an argument starts, you can walk away... forever.
v  You don't have to make excuses for yourself.
v  The whole "old maid" thing is so last century.
v  Dinner can be as simple as a frozen burrito.
v  When you eat, you buy and cook for one.
v  No one else is going to eat your leftovers.
v  No one else is going to raid your stash of sweets (you don't even have to hide it!)
v  You don't have to share your bed with anyone.
v  You can even eat in bed if you want to.
v  You can decorate the entire house according to your taste.
v  The only person spending your money is you.
v  The only debts you have to pay off are your own.
v  Kids with single parents can get more financial aid.
v  Less pressure about body weight.
v  Married people are fatter on average anyway.
v  Suddenly, it's okay to look (and flirt).
v  It's easier to focus on your career and your dreams.
v  You're the only person who gets to decide if you "need to make more money."
v  The only mood swings you have to deal with are your own.
v  There are a lot of lonely and violently psychopathic people out there.
v  There are 6.5 Billion other fish in the sea. That's 6,500 x 1 million. Yeah.
v  The toilet seat only moves when you move it.
v  You don't have to deal with someone else's kids all the time.
v  Divorce is pricey.
v  You don't have to deal with "compliment fishing."
v  Fewer minutes spent with a phone attached to your ear.
v  No endless nagging.
v  You never have to answer the phone "right now!"
v  No doubts or worries about someone sleeping around.
v  Things stay where you put them.
v  You can meditate and have your quiet time when you need it.
v  You can take out the trash when you feel like it.
v  You can shower or bathe when you want, as often as you want, for as long as you want.
v  You can even leave the door open when you shower.
v  The longer you wait, the better you know yourself, instead of someone else.
v  Children learn how to treat themselves by watching how you treat yourself.
v  A bad relationship is like a lingering knife wound- it continues to ruin your whole day.
v  You can be as eccentric as you want.
v  Your car can be as dirty or unusual or artistic as you want.
v  You decide how long it takes to get ready.
v  Say goodbye to heartache, dumping, and being dumped.
v  You get your weekends for you and your projects.
v  You can be the wild friend with all the really juicy stories.
v  Being single and staying single isn't selfish. It should be seen as putting your happiness first (Where it should be.)

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