Sunday, January 6, 2008

SwEeeeeT ~ ^ 0 ^ ~

hello Girls and Guys this is Sweet and Chocolate As You See, this Sweet i got it From One Of My Manager i Thank her Soo Much, So Now Am Goining To eat it and if You Want any of these Sweets Just Call :
1-800- In your Dreams :P~~~
Have a Nice Day and to be honest the Weather SUCKS Cold & Dusty and am listening to Easy Music.
Ps: i have Probelms with my teeth Root Canal and am thinking to Extraction wisdom tooth Pray For me Please Please. . . . .
thaaaaaanks All


Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...


كلش ما تعز المتن

rencontrer Pauline said...

allaaah flake abeeh:$ BL3FYAA
7booba and gdluck sis

فتى الجبل said...

وين نصيبي

Ω Suki Candy Ω said...

killa ma6gog

waii 3aleek ana a7b el sweets:$

dr. paula
dear mayegla 3alech shay 3ioni lich

fata el jbl

afa 3aleek 7alalik bs may9er a5eth wa7ed kakaow:P~~~~ la t9er na7ees:p~~~~

eshda3wa said...

bel3afya :)

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