Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ugly Betty's Bag i Have

while am surfing the internet i've seen several episodes for Ugly Betty and i like that girl ugly but from the inside people judge her from her look not for her inner.
so i went to lucky brand website and am searching for it and then i found out but i thought that they dont have a branch here in kuwait so i'm searching for shop locater that to know what's the nearest shop to my house or country and i found out that we have it in kuwait in the Avenues mall.
i went there to check for thier collection and i found the bag there was sale 60% it was KD but i booked the bag coz the last one and i told the saller that if he could keep it for me till the end of the month that i have my salary. and befor one week he called me to inform me to tell me that the sale is over and the bag will turn from 40.000KD to 53.000KD i told him i dont have any problem just keep it to me and i will buy it, today i went to buy and and that's that picture and the bag doesnt makes you wear certain color what ever you wear it's suitable.
Say Mashalah for my new bag :P just kidding.

هــل هــو تخلف أم تفلسف؟!

اليوم انا عندي موضوع صج صج بط جبدي اولا عند دخولي لجمعيه التعاونيه التابعه لمنطقتنا لقد لفت نظري هذه الصورة والتي تم من خلالها تغطيه كامله للفتيات الاعلان الا وهو هيد اند شولدر و تم تغطيتهم بأوراق التي جعلتني افكر ياهل ترى في حاله ارتفاع اسعار السلع في وضعنا الراهن هل يؤدي الي تصرفات التي تجعل الشخص يتأسلم و يفكر بالتفكير الرجعي الذي جعلني افند ان العوامل والظروف تجعل الشخص تخرج او يتصرف بتصرفات من الممكن خارجه عن نطاقه.
فا هالموضوع و الصورة لي متى هالتخلف اوكي انتو من الأساس لاتحطون هالاستاند يعني حاطين الشباب و البنات


تدرون ليش مالومهم الظاهر من الي شافوه من العقد من منطقتنا عندما يرون بنات من دون حجاب او نقاب او عبايه

مالذي يحدث لهم او عدم اقتران الفتاه بالون الأسود.

تحياتي لكم

Friday, January 18, 2008

R.I.P Beloved Amer

لقد مضى على رحيل الشيخ جابر الأحمد الجابر الصباح سنتان ولم نتدارك مرور الوقت و كأنها بالأمس

رحمه الله عليك يا شيخنا جابر و اب للجميع و نعم الاب الذي مهما عملنا لن نستطيع ان نوفي شي من الذي عمله لنا

رحمه الله عليك و يسكنك فسيح جناتك يا ابونا جابر

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

how to make mushaltet In Kuwait

this video discripes how to make Mushaltit in one of kuwait bakery

here you go the video Hope to Enjoy the Show SalaM =^_~=

Sunday, January 6, 2008

SwEeeeeT ~ ^ 0 ^ ~

hello Girls and Guys this is Sweet and Chocolate As You See, this Sweet i got it From One Of My Manager i Thank her Soo Much, So Now Am Goining To eat it and if You Want any of these Sweets Just Call :
1-800- In your Dreams :P~~~
Have a Nice Day and to be honest the Weather SUCKS Cold & Dusty and am listening to Easy Music.
Ps: i have Probelms with my teeth Root Canal and am thinking to Extraction wisdom tooth Pray For me Please Please. . . . .
thaaaaaanks All

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