Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Garrett delivery from

April is CaramelCrisp month at Garrett Popcorn Shops! Receive a complimentary bag of sweet CaramelCrisp with every tin ordered on

شهر أبريل هو طعم الكراميل المقرمش لهذا الشهر في محل غارييت ! احصل على هديه رمزية عبارة عن كيس بنكهة الكراميل المقرمش عند طلبك من Garret Popcorn Shop من موقع  

لا يطوفكم فيديو فيلم الرعب

Watch "Futtaish (فتّيش) - MBC 2" on YouTube

بصراحة وصلني هالفيديو من وحده من البنات ولمن شفته غشيت فعلا الكل صارله نفسه

Really don't miss watching this video for the people who love likes & always watching movies on mbc2 I'm sure everyone if us had the same situation

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dine with basma bobu

Here is the episode 2 from dine with basma with belmukhbah channel this is the link to check her video click the link below

Saturday, April 20, 2013

#ifish 7 @alimubarak1 missing videos

Don't miss out ali Mubarak #ifish
Check the link below

Zain kuwait freestyle football

this video presenting a freestyle football
Andrew Handerson & Laura Biondo they done their preformance in the avenues mall the grand avenues 18/4/2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

مهرجان الأسبوع الثقافي لكويت باروتس

هلا شلونكم حبايبي

ان كنتم من محبي تربية الطيور وبالأخص الببغاوات لكم الفرصة واغتنموها لحضور هذا الاسبوع وجميع التفاصيل موجودة بالصورة

Kuwait parrots shop is inviting you to attend their cultural week festival if you're a birds lover and especially a parrots lover visit them,

Starts from Sunday 21st of April 2013
Ends on Thursday 25th of April 2013
Time : 6:00 pm ~ 7:00 pm
Location : Kuwait parrots main showroom in al rai area, al ghazali street, Issa al Othman complex, in front of electrozzan & next to al bahgli united for sponge.

For more info visit

Here's a map

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

koto kono video

dear followers and readers

this video reminds of one of her songs that i attend last year in one of the oldest temples and i had a great exprience to be there while am sick hahahahha i mean flue, so this video for her one of the best song that i heard and i got excited when you listen to it live at that time.

thanks koto for letting me and my sisters share this beautiful song & can't wait for your whole album to buy.
Love you Koto Sis OXOXOXOXO

best wishes

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

جلسات وناسة والشياب

Freestyle Football by zain & camco global events

Hello everyone

Hope everything is fine…

Camco Global Events is proud to invite you to their next event, “Kuwait National Freestyle Football Championship” in which freestylers from Kuwait get to compete to win a trip to the UK and attend the “Champions League Final” & “Freestyle Football World Championship”.

The event stretches for three days:

- 18th of April from 17h00 to 18h00 : Freestyle Football done by Andrew Henderson and Laura Biondo we will meet you at the newest Zain branch at grand avenues behind Al- Hamra Restaurant (This is not to be disclosed to the public and you may write about it after the event as we want to surprise the audience like a flashmob).

- 19th of April from 11h00 to 17h00 : competition will take place at Marina Mall Crescent

- 20th of April from 11h00 to 17h00 : Male World Freestyle Football Champion Andrew Henderson and Female World Freestyle Football Champion Laura Biondo will attempt to break 15 Guiness world records in the sport at Marina Crescent

Company behind this event being “Camco Global Events”
(Instagram&Twitter : @CamcoEvents ; Facebook page: Camco Global Events )

Monday, April 15, 2013

أربح مع أكستريم سبورت win with extreme sport Kuwait

Join the contest and win with Kuwait extreme shop
For more information check the picture or join them on Instagram
شارك في المسابقة وأربح مع أكستريم سبورت
للمزيد من المعلومات اطلع على الصورة او تابعوهم على الانستغرام


Discover Our New Store in Kuwait

The famous Tiffany & co now they open their store in the grand avenue check the picture out

Book your Service Appointment Online - Be Re-assured with Toyota Al~Sayer

أحجز موعد لفحص سيارتك مع تويوتا الساير
Book your Service Appointment Online - Be Re-assured with Toyota Al~Sayer
للمزيد من المعلومات انظر الى الصورة
For more information check the pic

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The city اكبر عرض أزياء في الكويت

اللي حابة تحضر أكبر عرض أزياء يقام في الكويت لأكبر عدد من مصممات و مصممين الأزياء اللي سيقام في فندق ريجنسي من ٢٢ إلى ٢٤ إبريل .. للحجز الإتصال :  965+  97377329
You can Book your ticket now for the biggest fashion show in Kuwait theCITY RUNWAY 22 - 24 April @thecitymagazine

اقبل الهدايا accept all gifts

I share my shipping box to accept all the gifts from all over the world if I receive anything I write about it or vlog my self & share it too

Friday, April 12, 2013

شعيب شو : الناس مافيها خير لا يطوفكم

مبدع يا شعيب بالفيديو بس للمرة الثانية حط بالك وانت أطيح

جيكو على اخر الفيديو

Frequency the movie

Best ever movie must to watch my rate for this movie is: *****
it's all about future & past dementional messages thru the radio waves really I love it

Let's sing " hayek menghani " maya deyab close up pic

Hello Dear readers
          Dear followers
Hope you all fine , today's my weekend & I stayed all night " am a morning person rarely I stay this time " so as you can see the picture that I took for a lebanese presenter her name is maya deyab from program called " hayek menghani " really for me is scary picture is that nowadays beauty measurements ?? I was starting at this picture & wondering how many plastic surgeries she's been on the knife or how many botox needle she have to get this face lift , how many make up products she has s usuing to look like this fake teeth crownig & finally fake hair too not her hair so scary really why don't you be urself not others they need be you not them, as long as the media wants to fake the truth eewwwwooo .
Last but not least I leave all the comments for you just check the pic & comment maybe you do have other then my vesion
Thanks for follow & reading ;****

Monday, April 8, 2013

My neighbor List