in February Kuwait Celebrate 25-26 of this month
25 kuwaities celebrate with the national Day of kuwait our be loved shiek Abdullah al salem al sabah he's the one who make kuwait independent from the Uk counrty there where contract between kuwait and united kingdom to protect kuwait from any anemy try to come and control kuwait in 1899
25 kuwaities celebrate with the national Day of kuwait our be loved shiek Abdullah al salem al sabah he's the one who make kuwait independent from the Uk counrty there where contract between kuwait and united kingdom to protect kuwait from any anemy try to come and control kuwait in 1899
so they celebrate the day that shiek abdullah al salem al sabah day they call him the fathe of independent
Liberation Day
that kuwait finish from the salvation from the iraqies troops that they've been in kuwat for 7 months
so every year kuwaities calebrate with these two days
here are picture of shiek abdullah al salem al Sabah